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批评官员的尺度 - 书评



发表于 2013-9-18 11:02:51 | 显示全部楼层
  去年老师讲解言论自由,要求阅读《Make No Law》,也就是国内畅销书《批评官员的尺度》的英文版。我手里两个版本都有,英文版的是First Vintage Books Edition,September 1992版。中文版的是北京大学出版社2011年7月第一版。有部分章节我是两者对照着看的,结果发现翻译上的不少问题。
  首先是很多细微的瑕疵。比如英文版140页第十四章的开头是“On the morning of March 9, 1964”,中文版相应的在176页,翻译是“1964年3月9日”,把“On the morning”省略了。
  英文版第184页第十七章第二段,“For nineteen hours they held hostage…” 中文版对应在225页,完全略去了人质被劫持“十九个小时”这一细节。
  同页第三段,“the New York courts upheld the judgment”,在中文版226页,被简化为“并得到法官支持”。原文的意思是得到了纽约州法院支持,并且随后立即指出《生活》杂志上诉到最高法院。
  还有一些比较重大的不当翻译。例如,英文版185页第一段内容如下:“Chief Justice Warren assigned the opinion to Justice Abe Fortas, recently appointed to replace Justice Goldberg, who had resigned at President Johnson’s urging to become ambassador to the United Nations”。中文版对应在226页,“首席大法官指派阿博福塔斯大法官撰写本案判决意见。福塔斯曾是美国驻联合国大使,歌德堡大法官这年离职后,他刚刚被约翰逊总统任命为大法官。”这是完全错误的。原文的意思是歌德堡大法官在约翰逊总统的邀请下从法院辞职,担任美国驻联合国大使。阿博福塔斯因此顶替了歌德堡大法官的位置,与联合国大使这一职位没有任何关系。为了确证我还查询了维基百科条目,证实这里翻译的错误。
  紧接下来,福塔斯大法官的意见原文后半段是:“The deliberate ,callous, invasion of the Hills’ right to be let alone-this appropriation of a family’s right not to be molested or to have its name exploited and quiet existence invaded-cannot be defended on the ground that it is within the purview of a constitutional guarantee designed to protect the free exchange of ideas and opinions. This is exploitation, undertaken to titillate and excite, for commercial purposes”。而中文版简化成了“希尔一家独处的权利不应受到侵扰,宪法为保护思想、意见自由交流而设置的保障,不能成为侵扰他人的辩护理由”。我的翻译是:“这种故意为之、冷酷无情的对于希尔一家独处权利——即这个家庭不被侵扰,名字不被利用,平静的生活不被粗暴打破的权利——的侵犯是不被保护的。以宪法保护观念、意见的自由交流为由也站不住脚。这是一种以商业为目的的利用,目的在于引起大众的猎奇心。”
  再往下一段,布莱克大法官的备忘录是:“One does not have to be a prophet, I think, to foresee that judgments like the one in this case can frighten and punish the press so much that publishers will cease trying to report news in a lively and readable fashion as long as there is-and there always will be-doubt as to the complete accuracy of the newsworthy facts”。中文版对应为“我想,任何人都不是预言家,能够预见本案这样的判决将对媒体产生什么样的震慑、吓阻效果,由于报界不得不质疑任何有新闻价值的事实的真实性,从此他们将再也不能以生动、易读的形式报道新闻”。很显然,开头部分应该翻译为“不用成为一个预言家,也能预见到……”。
   英文版189页第二算结尾是:“At the least, knowledge of the suicide intensifies one's uneasiness about the way the Supreme Court decided the Hill case.”第三段是:“<James Hill had not sued for libel, because the injury suffered by his family was not so much to its reputation as to its sense of self. Justice Brennan said in his opinion that the Court's application of the requirement for knowing or reckless falsehood in this privacy case did not determine what it would do in a libel case. >But a few months later, the Court did hold that the rule laid down in Times v. Sullivan applied in libel cases to plaintiffs other than officials like Commissioner Sullivan. The case was Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts.”中文的对应部分在第232页,中文版为:“总之,这起自杀事件,加剧了人们对最高法院‘希尔案’的不满。几个月后,最高法院在另一起案件中宣布,即使诽谤案原告并非政府官员,也可以适用‘《纽约时报》诉沙利文案’确立的规则。这起案件即‘柯蒂斯出版公司诉巴茨案’。”尖括号内部分全部省略了。

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