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Under the Dome

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-4-11 21:45
  • 签到天数: 2 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      King's return to supernatural horror is uncomfortably bulky, formidably complex and irresistibly compelling. When the smalltown of Chester's Mill, Maine, is surrounded by an invisible force field, the people inside must exert themselves to survive. The situation deteriorates rapidly due to the dome's ecological effects and the machinations of Big Jim Rennie, an obscenely sanctimonious local politician and drug lord who likes the idea of having an isolated populace to dominate. Opposing him are footloose Iraq veteran Dale “Barbie” Barbara, newspaper editor Julia Shumway, a gaggle of teen skateboarders and others who want to solve the riddle of the dome. King handles the huge cast of characters masterfully but ruthlessly, forcing them to live (or not) with the consequences of hasty decisions. Readers will recognize themes and images from King's earlier fiction, and while this novel doesn't have the moral weight of, say, The Stand, nevertheless, it's a nonstop thrill ride as well as a disturbing, moving meditation on our capacity for good and evil.

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    NIKO不    不得不提书中出现的两个关键名词: The Simpsons和Spielberg.      前者在07年的剧场版中展现了与Under the Dome中类似的穹顶(虽然书中的穹顶并不是球形的), 但这并不是说King抄袭, 事实上穹顶的概念King在20多年前就已经形成了. 后者则确定将把Under the Dome拍成电视剧. 虽然小说的时间设定在201X年, 但科幻并不是主要成分, 不过相信个别大场面还是能让Spielberg一展拳脚的.      小说精彩之处在于人物性格的描画, 书中角色众多, 但是Stephen King对每个主要人物的刻画都非常细腻, 特别是头号反派Big Jim Rennie, 光看他说话就觉得很有意思. 引用Cemetery Dance出版社的评论, 那就是Under the Dome拥有The Stand的超大卡司, Cell的快节奏, Needful Things的小镇政治喧嚣. 虽然编辑的大量删减使得小说的最终篇幅远没有达到先前预计的1800页, 可是1074页的长度也能在King所有作品中排名第三了, 期待今后也会像The Stand那样发行未删节版本.  详情 发表于 2013-7-24 09:16
    娑婆    和以前金的小说的版本比起来,这本算是上等,纸张、排版都是优良,当然价格也是一流。我是在益文书局买的, 现在正在看,第一感觉不错,虽然翻译成中文看起来是比较舒服,但是还是很想看看英文原版。发现好东西会在这里和大家分享。还有哪位在看,可以交流一下。  详情 发表于 2013-7-26 07:52

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