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Fifty Shades of Grey - 书评



发表于 2014-3-9 23:37:59 | 显示全部楼层
  When I finished 95% of the novel <fifty shades of Grey>, I still believe it is some kind of a Cinderella-meet-prince love story, though in a distorted adult version---- I can’t understand how the Ana (or the author) can maintain the state of libido excitement all through the book, for her and Grey’s insatiable sex appetite almost fed me up after half journey of the book. I can’t help wondering why the Vigor taken by the author is of such long half-life? Or the book is finished in several hours? And while reaching 95% of the story path, I also wonder how the novel should end in the wake of repetitive carnal enjoyment, and I ever doubt it won’t be too bad to kill the two in the glide ecstasy!  
  Ergo it is undeniable that the end is the highlight of the whole story, which made it a barely acceptable novel, for the annihilation end is always more understandable, acceptable, and forgivable.
  Comparatively, all the other books I have read are too orthodoxy, or this book is a heretics. As I cannot understand how Ana could tolerate Grey so much, or made so much unprincipled concession, for this reason I cannot shed due pity to her final loss.
  And the book failed to hold water in many aspects, such as why Ana is able to beguile such a handsome, successful , and with profound sex experience zillionaire? Obviously not because she is a virgin, and the only plausible explanation is the privilege “I” entitle! And the question what lead Grey to such an sadistic  keep haunting in reader’s mind, with no answer till the end.
  The art decoration of Hardy, Phaethon-driving-the–solar-car led to no where, or just shallow decorations, even not as impressive as the jet, the mansion in Seattle. While from the story I can feel what zillionaire life is like in the author’s mind----if I can comment, I would like to switch Grey’s music form the source of ipod to “Westlake speaker”, the audio speakers I have at my home

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