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Military Power



  In war, do mass and materiel matter most? Will states with the largest, best equipped, information-technology-rich militaries invariably win? The prevailing answer today among both scholars and policymakers is yes. But this is to overlook force employment, or the doctrine and tactics by which materiel is actually used. In a landmark reconception of battle and war, this book provides a systematic account of how force employment interacts with materiel to produce real combat outcomes. Stephen Biddle argues that force employment is central to modern war, becoming increasingly important since 1900 as the key to surviving ever more lethal weaponry. Technological change produces opposite effects depending on how forces are employed; to focus only on materiel is thus to risk major error--with serious consequences for both policy and scholarship.
  In clear, fluent prose, Biddle provides a systematic account of force employment's role and shows how this account holds up under rigorous, multimethod testing. The results challenge a wide variety of standard views, from current expectations for a revolution in military affairs to mainstream scholarship in international relations and orthodox interpretations of modern military history.
  Military Power will have a resounding impact on both scholarship in the field and on policy debates over the future of warfare, the size of the military, and the makeup of the defense budget.

  Stephen Biddle is Senior Fellow in Defense Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. He has published extensively in defense policy and international relations, and he has held teaching and research positions in both academic political science and official defense policy analysis.

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caribb    然而,如前所述,对现代体系和军事技术、数量对比等其他变量之间关系的处理,可能是全书中最不能令人满意的地方。首先,某场战斗中的“兵力部署方式”是指挥官做出的安排,尽管不能做到“完全理性”,但仍在很大程度上反映着军事技术、数量对比等客观情况,某些部署甚至必须依赖一定的物质条件(甚至物质优势)才能实现,如“兵种协同”对战场信息获取技术和通讯技术的要求、“纵深防御”和“预备队”对机动性的要求、“压制”对武器射程与精度的要求等,如果古德伍德行动中的英军能够通过红外探测或其他任何技术获知德军的防御纵深是16公里而非8公里,那么整个战役的部署方案将很可能被改写;此外,即便不考虑指挥官在部署时对物质力量的权衡,实际作战中部署方案得到贯彻的程度,也要受到战场实际力量对比的制约。   其次,即便不考虑物质力量对现代体系的影响而将现代体系作为独立的变量(如作者在回应中所提到的那样),本书仍然没有澄清,现代体系与物质力量之间孰轻孰重的问题。在第四章,作者提出,若战斗双方中有一方使用现代体系另一方不使用,则使用现代体系的一方占据优势或较大优势,优势程度由技术决定;若双方均使用现代体系,则能力彼此抵消,物质能力对战斗结果的影响程度有限;若双方均不使用现代体系,则能力彼此抵消,物质能力对战斗结果的影响程度很大。这些假设似乎暗示,“使用现代体系”和“拥有技术优势”都能够加强战斗方的军事能力,然而,这样的话,这两种方法是否能够在一定程度上彼此替换?如果可以,需要怎样的条件?抵消的比率是什么?对于这些,作者都没有明确回答。   与之相关的另一个问题是,如果现代体系真的如此重要,那么似乎可以推断,国家的军事能力,不仅受到其存在与否的影响,也将受到其水平的影响。例如,掌握了作者所列出的所有“现代体系战术手段”的国家,在其余条件不变的情况下,是否比仅掌握了其中一项或几项手段的国家更“现代”,从而拥有更强的军事能力?在一战中即掌握“现代体系”的德军,是否比二战后才建立的以色列国防军更“现代”?令人失望的是,作者似乎只关注国家是否掌握了现代体系,并没有给出衡量其水平的标准。   第四,作者所选定的衡量自变量和因变量的标准,也有可以商榷的地方。例如,作者使用“战斗双方主战武器的列装年份差距”来衡量双方的技术水平差距,且不说在不同的武器发展路径下,更晚出现的武器未必比更早出现的武器先进,就是在相同的武器发展体系中,不同年代武器发展的速度恐怕也是不一样的,这样,要在一个大样本模型的所有样本中“一刀切”地用年代差距表示技术差距,可能就会出现一些问题。还有,作者使用“进攻方土地-死亡比”作为衡量军事能力的最主要标准,这就假定,所有国家对于“死亡”的敏感程度都是类似的,然而,在现实中,一些国家完全可能主动地以更不利的“土地-死亡比”来换取胜利,哪怕这种胜利在其他人看来并不值得。此外,作者似乎忘记了重要的一点,即战役首要地是要服务于整体的战略,不一定都以“用最小的伤亡尽可能长时间地控制土地”为目的。一些战役可能付出很大伤亡但从总体上有利于减少整场战争中的伤亡(这些战役甚至未必一定是成功的),另一些战役可能只是为了牵制敌人力量而无需攻占任何土地,或只是短暂地防守即可撤退。   最后,尽管作者在全书标题中即已明确,解释的对象是“战斗”的结果而非“战争”的结果,但在大样本数据验证中,使用的单位仍然是“国家”,并以之作为兵力部署方式的代表,似乎一个国家在所有战斗中都会采取类似的部署方法,但实际的情况可能并非如此。另外,可能囿于资料限制,作者在大样本数据验证中直接用“战争中的军事能力”来表示“战斗中的军事能力”,这恐怕也是不合适的,其理由大体与前述类似,此处不再赘述。     详情 发表于 2013-8-1 04:29
caribb    The author starts by pointing out, not without reason, that the king is   naked   Proceeding alphabetically, they include intelligence (though   there is an entry on ‘information technology’), leadership, logistics,   morale, terrain (Dupuy, at any rate, did take terrain into consideration)   and transport. With all due respect, I would suggest that any model of   military operations that fails to recognise these vital, though often hard   to quantify, factors is unlikely to be worth the paper, or the computer   screen, on which it is written   As all   of us students of military affairs know, uncertainty is a fundamental   attribute of war. As perhaps fewer of us realize, it is also a condition   without which war cannot exist and without which it would lose any   sense it does, or can, make.  详情 发表于 2013-8-1 05:48

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