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Flipped - 书评



发表于 2013-8-28 22:53:55 | 显示全部楼层
  I ought to put down something about this piece, before the few sparkles in mind disappear into fears, desperations and finally sink into the ineffable past.
  Julie is the sole reason why I was attached to this book. She reminds me of myself when I was her age -- too young to have learnt subduing feelings, too ignorant of the surroundings until truths being revealed and self-importance turning into serious self-evaluation. She’s so true that you feel the way she feels.
  Her ever-inspiring sycamore tree, her boy with the purest blue eyes, her supporting families (and yes including naughty Mike and Matt)... They are all part of Julie’s life, her yet-to-find-the-truth life.
  She’s so simple-minded that she takes it for granted that as long as she sits on that tree, it would be saved. Her voice is weak but mind resolute. It’s almost what everyone has experienced in their lives -- crying over something for whatever reason that nobody else could understand. It’s exhausting to even attempt to protect something that nobody else cares, isn’t it? But Julie doesn’t curb. She does so for her reasons, reasons that polluted minds can never explain. But never mind. Everyone possesses secrets like this.
  As Julie first described her feeling toward Bryce, I felt stunned. It was as if I was back in junior high, maintaining a crush on a boy whose appearance I can no longer piece together by now. The only things I could remember are his chalky skin, his way of walking like he’s always wanting to force a huge leap. He wore lots of black jackets. He was pretty good with Mathematics and Physics. He was not a typical good-looking boy by Chinese standards but there occasionally were rumors about him and other girls. I liked him. Everyone knew it but he just pretended he didn’t even know me. Even so, I seldom missed a chance of meeting him around the corner, when he was supposed to be on duty out of some school policy. What could I do anymore? I felt bad about myself.
  And that’s why I was engaged with Julie’s story. It was just so true.
  In general, the story is easy to read. Characters are entertaining, and plot is vivacious. The book is worth reading for anyone who’s ever tried to retrieve their school memories. But personally, a five-star rating is too much for this book.

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