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The Perks of Being a Wallflower - 书评



发表于 2013-8-19 00:00:15 | 显示全部楼层
  It doesn't take long for me to finish the book, because I do feel I am reading someone's letter which is so easy to relate to.
  I do mean the things Charlie's talking about are easy to relate to, though he's from a totally different age and country. Because I believe we all have that time when we are afraid and don't know how to participate. While reading the book, I remember many things about my own life: times when I was there but I wasn't really there and things I did but I don't remember a single moment. I feel kind of warm and comfortable while reading, because I know the fears I had are shared by someone far away. It's normal.
  At the end of the book, I am so happy for Charlie since he 'turn things around" and he doesn't need to write letters to participate in his life anymore.
  It was a great ending of a great story.  
  p.s. the writer is so smart, he describes the life of a freshman with a group of senior friends. So the book can easily reminds me of both the time when I first enter high school and that when I left. Love it.

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