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The Fault in Our Stars - 书评



发表于 2013-7-29 17:03:22 | 显示全部楼层
  I just couldn`t stop crying when getting closer and closer to the end of the story.
  Hazel Grace, is a really smart and sweet and somehow angry narrator. The way Hazel talked with her parents, Augustus and herself always makes me smile and inspired. She was kind of a girl that has got her own opinion about cancers the illness, the life, the true love, the friendship,and the family and always felt free to say about it. I`m so glad Augustus fell for her and she fell for Augustus. They were made for each other. They really understood each other. They were soulmates. I really appreciate when they willingly tried to read each other`s favorite books to get into his or her world. I really appreciate when Gus called her specially "Hazel Grace" which feels always sweet because it`s the name just be called by the boy who loved her. I really appreciate Gus`s "goofy smile"and the way he made Hazel as well as the readers feel. I really appreciate when Hazel and Gus kept saying "okay" to each other, flirting. I really appreciate when Gus said:"I wish we have enough time for us to fall in love."and they did(thank God). I really appreciate when Issac said "When the scientists show up at my house with robot eyes and they tell me the try them on, I will tell they to screw off because I don`t want to see a world without him(Gus)". I appreciate that Gus could be able to hear the eulogy by Hazel and Issac. I even appreciate John Green didn`t shape Peter Van Hutton a perfect nice man but a disturbing alcoholic assclown with some stories in himself.
  Especially I appreciate the way John Green narrated this whole beautiful story magically. In the very last five chapter, the length of the chapter becomes shorter and the story becomes unpredictable, which makes me hold my breath each time I turned a page away.
  It`s such a great and sad story without any “sadness-flown bullshit” at all. It just naturally and sharply gives you the feeling of sadness without any fusses.

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