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What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 - 书评



发表于 2013-8-2 13:00:52 | 显示全部楼层
  不仅要学会 turn lemon into lemonade, 还要take a step further, turn lemonade into helicopters. Turn the challenge and problems into opportunities, catch the opportunities and turn into snow-ball like sucess.
  Self-reinforcing prophecy和态度互相循环决定你对待世界的方式。
  Don't judge too quickly and don't take yourself too seriously. Your title is not your value. Really, Don't judge too quickly also, even the worst idea could be a great potential. Maybe the crazier, the better in the long run..
  Failure is the secret sauce of Sillicon Valley. It's simply part of the learning process. It's natural. Even quitting is incredibly empowering, it remind u that you are the master of yourself. Sometimes, quitting is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it requires you to face your failures and announce them publicly. Also, it allows you to put your energy into the best use. Afterall don't forget, put log into water, it'll be a wet log, but put it into the flame, it'll be an inferno,
  Failure is inevitable. And the key to success is not dodging every bullet but being able to recover quickly. It remind me of Jeremy Lin, who was said to failed more time than others on the times he tried on put the basketball into the court but because he tried a lot so he also score a lot more.
  Failure isn't fun but it force us to reevaluate our goals and priorities,and often propel us much faster than continued success. We live on the  edge of failure and success, oftentime, a little extra push is all it take to cross the line to the bright side. It's a winner take all society, all you need is really just, a , little, extra, push. Think about the Tour de France. Right?
  Also, learning from others can significantly reduce your failure rate. If you happen to take a risk and fail, remember your personally is not a failure. Failure is external. This perspective will allow you to get up and try again and again.
  Failure is a natural part of learning process. If you aren't failing sometimes, than you aren't taking enough risks.
  Try to make your passion intersect or totally overlap your education, your work. Then you'll put your passion, energy and time into them, aka, it. Then you'll be the master of the art of living.
  知人善用。要让每个人都觉得他们的工作很简单,让他们的才能得到最大的发挥。Pain the target around the arrow. Also, don't be afraid to reach out to people. Act positively. Don't wait others to reach to you. Showing appreciation for what others have done for you. Because everything they done for you has an opportunity cost. The world is small.
  Take a far and long goal is better than several nuanced goals. 因为1,条条大路通罗马。不一定要通过这些小目标,这样有了更大的flexibility, 也给了更多的发现额外机会的可能。 GOOGLE老总说的哦。
  Life is not a zero sum game full of competition. Life can be a win-win game where everyone benefit.
  Removing the cap. Don't lock yourself up in the prison you built yourself and reach your true potential. Going beyond minimum expectations and acknowledging that you are ultimately responsible for your actions and the resulting outcomes. Life is not a dress rehearsal, and you won't get a second chance to do your best.
  Give yourself permission. Look at the world with fresh eyes like a foreigner, to experiment,t o fail, to plot your course, and to test the limits of your abilities.
  We determine how we face the world. The world is filled with both flowers and flaws, it's up to you to embrace which.

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